I guess this is time for the introduction and explanation post. I am a 23 year old citizen of the United States of America, and I'm damned proud of it. My family has fought for the country since the Revolutionary War, and for the Colonies before that (we can confirm French-Indian Wars, but we've supposedly been here even longer than that). In the case of the Civil War, we were on both sides. While I'm deeply patriotic and love my country, I see room for improvement --we could start with hippies being forced to take baths-- but I don't buy into this "Amerikkka is the root of all evil in the world" garbage. I tried to enlist, but my eyes have a defect that precludes me from service, so I am focusing on instead on becomming a history teacher.
As for this blog; it's going to be random. I have widely varried interests and it'll probably be things like review of movies, animation (probably anime), and rants on the stupiditiy of politics or people in general.
For the less nerd-inclined out there, the title of the blog and my posting names are references to animation in themselves. Ranba Ral was a character from Mobile Suit Gundam (0079). He is technically a 'badguy' in that he fights for the Independent Duchy of Zeon, but is not a bad person in and of himself. He's most wellknown for shouting the phrase "THIS IS NO ZAKU, BOY! NO ZAKU!" He pilots a huge robot called MS-07B Gouf. It looks a lot like the older badguy robots called MS-05 Zaku and MS-06 Zaku II, but it's a different type of suit (kinda like most Cesna airplanes look similar but different models actually are all different aircraft). Why this has been latched onto and is so hilarious, I don't know...it's just one of those things.
The astute will notice the link to the Civil Air Patrol's website in the military links section. I was in C.A.P.'s Cadet program for about four years pre-9/11. I was sometimes Flight Commander of Alpha Flight (advanced drill team), Rifleman for the Squadron's Color Guard, Supply NCO, and often times acting Ops. NCO. I plan on going back as a Senior Member once I get settled into work.
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As for this blog; it's going to be random. I have widely varried interests and it'll probably be things like review of movies, animation (probably anime), and rants on the stupiditiy of politics or people in general.
For the less nerd-inclined out there, the title of the blog and my posting names are references to animation in themselves. Ranba Ral was a character from Mobile Suit Gundam (0079). He is technically a 'badguy' in that he fights for the Independent Duchy of Zeon, but is not a bad person in and of himself. He's most wellknown for shouting the phrase "THIS IS NO ZAKU, BOY! NO ZAKU!" He pilots a huge robot called MS-07B Gouf. It looks a lot like the older badguy robots called MS-05 Zaku and MS-06 Zaku II, but it's a different type of suit (kinda like most Cesna airplanes look similar but different models actually are all different aircraft). Why this has been latched onto and is so hilarious, I don't know...it's just one of those things.
The astute will notice the link to the Civil Air Patrol's website in the military links section. I was in C.A.P.'s Cadet program for about four years pre-9/11. I was sometimes Flight Commander of Alpha Flight (advanced drill team), Rifleman for the Squadron's Color Guard, Supply NCO, and often times acting Ops. NCO. I plan on going back as a Senior Member once I get settled into work.